We Were Smiths:
Escaping the Shadow of Joseph Smith’s Mormon Legacy
My memoir in progress details my journey of abandoning my Mormon faith, family, and community after discovering hard truths about my famous relative, Joseph Smith, and the early Mormon Church. It’s an in-depth look into a family torn apart by secrets, discord, substance abuse and a legacy requiring perfection.
In my memoir in progress, We Were Smiths, I will reveal the consequences of leaving the Mormon Church as a Smith, related to Joseph Smith, the Mormon Church founder and prophet, after finding that Smith was a fraud and a con artist. The repercussions of my apostasy are far ranging; not only the estrangement from my family, community, and culture but my very sense of self as a Smith, someone set apart and expected to be special.
Literary: Dalyn A. Miller, TORSK Media
PR: Corinne Kalasky, The Podcast Team